
Power: 88W

Body size: W280*D315*H980MM

*Adopt 3M activated carbon professional-grade electrostatic air filter to effectively filter PM2.5 particles and odors in the air:

Such as dust mites, pollen, smoke, bacteria and enteroviruses, reduce respiratory discomfort and filter cleaner air

*Using 4 sides of ice blue nano water curtain, with natural cooling system, the output of cool air effectively reduces the indoor temperature, saving electricity and environmental protection♻

*Built-in ozone generator, releases 1 mg of ozone per hour, directly oxidizes the cell body in a short time to kill bacteria, and has a deodorizing effect

This appliance has a patent for air filtration Patent number: HK1261910

*Built-in negative ion generator, generating more than 4 million negative ions per cubic centimeter

*Easy to remove cooling pad for easy cleaning

*Water shortage prompt and pump stop safety protection device

* Cooling air function button

*Automatic air supply left and right

*4 level wind selection (silent, strong wind, strong wind, strong wind)

*1, 3, 6 hours power off setting

*Large water tank capacity: 13L

*Extra large air outlet: 24.8 X 23.2cm

*Full function remote control

*Flexible bottom pulley